I Love Show Dresses

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Should you have a train on your bridal dress?

Since there are no wedding etiquette rules stating that mature brides shouldn’t wear trains... "it is your personal decision."

But as a mature bride you likely want a wedding dress easy to wear. Choose a floor length wedding gown "without a train" because it will be less of a hassle to wear.

Maybe you have found a gown but it has a train. You can have thetrain cut off by a good dressmaker.

If you happen to want a small sweep train for more of a traditional wedding dress look . . . make sure you ask your alterations specialist for what’s known as a wedding dress bustle.

The “bustling of wedding gowns” is a technique used to hook the train up in a decorative way on the back of your gown so you can move about freely without having to carry the train. Nor do you have to worry about you or someone else stepping on it.
Par loveshow le lundi 13 juin 2011


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