I Love Show Dresses

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Collection of beautiful beach images

What makes me miss you
There’s this hint of desperation
In this great distance

Beautiful beach pictures

What makes me long for you
There’s this great silence
Wishing my arms around you
Beautiful beach pictures
What makes me think of you
There’s this emptiness
A whisper of hopelessness
Beautiful beach pictures
The miles so countless
It bears our names
So lost in space
Beautiful beach pictures
There’s this war
A nameless battle
Spawns wordless sorrow

Beautiful beach pictures

A losing fight
To a boundless foe
Takes away love’s meaning
Beautiful beach pictures
Clouded by false hopes
Doubts of empty promises
They end it all
Beautiful beach pictures
I must surrender
My wounded soul
My unguarded dignity
So I bid my heart
The greatest casualty
A fractured loss
A tearless farewell
And to you my love
I bid you goodbye

Par loveshow le mercredi 13 juillet 2011


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